Friday, August 21, 2015

Learning to crochet, child labor, and pulling your own teeth

It's been a kind of slow week around here. Drake is healing well, but we are still not really going out and about. He got the last of his stitches out on Wednesday, so the Dr. said he should be good to go in another week. Yay! I know he's ready to get some normalcy back and to move back into his own room.

I have to tell the truth. We are stir crazy. I have been so blah all week, because Mama needs out of this house! I hate the heat. I can't wait for cooler weather so that we can go outside and not have to worry about heatstroke!! Bring on Fall!!! Can I get an amen??? Fall always seems to bring a bit of coziness to the house mixed with a bit excitement. The colors, the smells, all of it just makes me so happy. For us Fall is like our Summer. Since, we school year round, we try to really take time in the fall to enjoy the cooler, more enjoyable weather. In Texas the fall just means you can go outside. It's not cold. It's comfortable.  The kids are ready to load up their schoolwork and a picnic lunch and head to the park, and I am so with them on that!

So while we've been kind of stuck at home we've had to try and find things to do, so that we aren't just sitting in front of the t.v. all day after school. I taught myself to crochet about a year ago (thanks Youtube), and it is one of the best things I could have done for myself. My grandmother, who I was extremely close too crocheted pretty much everyday. She tried many times to teach me, but with me being left handed and her being right handed, it was just too frustrating for me, and I never did pick it up.  Edyn decided over the weekend that she wanted to learn.
She's doing great, but gets frustrated because her hand starts cramping. I get it! It's terrible in the beginning. I just try to encourage her to push through and strengthen her hands. If you can get past that the first week or so, you will be good to go. She wants to make things and sell them to save up for her new camera.  I love my little future entrepreneur!

So, I have a schedule to clean my house. It's a daily thing I made to try and help keep me on task. If I don't do my daily chores, it becomes a disaster real quick. While cleaning on Tuesday, which is floor day, I had some help. Gavin said that there was no way he was going to sit there and watch me mop all of those floors with no help. Oh I love this little sweetheart!
I welcomed this help especially since all of our downstairs is tile! I know carpet is terrible, but I would honestly rather vacuum everyday over sweeping and mopping!

We have been continuing our state study this week. We are studying New Jersey, the third state to join the union.  My kids have decided after studying all of these northern states that it's time to move. Being from Texas, they have never really seen snow, and that's what they want more than anything!

While not studying about New Jersey, math, or reading, we apparently have a class in opening the door with our feet. Gav has proven to be a pro. Here's a little pic for you of him and his new found talent.

Also last but not least, someone pulled their own tooth. I am not the person you want around if you need a tooth pulled. It grosses me out. My husband is the tooth puller around here. Well guess what happens when your husband is at work and you have a kid that's almost in tears because the tooth needs to come out? You suck it up and help him pull it. I pulled and it was coming out, but he made me stop. He took the paper towel wrapped it around his tooth and yanked it out. He was so proud of himself!  Such a manly man at 10 years old!

That's about it for this week's fun. Hoping to have some more interesting weeks coming up in the near future with some field trips and just getting outside! Come on cooler weather, we are waiting for you!

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