Wednesday, August 2, 2017

August goals

It's finally August. I am pretty sure it was just January, but my life seems like a whirlwind lately. I have had so much going on the last few weeks, that taking the time to actually sit down and put my thoughts down here on my blog have been kind of put on the back burner.

So, as you know we really tried to get our school year going awhile back, but this summer has been crazy with lots of visitors, which we love, but it has gotten us a little behind on where I wanted to be already with this year. That just means that we will have to work extra hard, and maybe even have some work time on Fridays.

I really need to schedule some time to spend on my blog. My days just seem too short with not enough hours, and if you're alive then you know what I mean. I have to say that part of that is my fault. I have been on a backwards sleep schedule and I end up going to bed late, and waking up kind of late. I am trying to turn that around so that when we get back into our school year next week, we can get up and get started early. So I guess my first goal is go to bed early.

Also speaking of schedules, I have started using FlyLady to clean my house. I had tried it awhile back and it overwhelmed me, but now that I have the app it has really helped keep me on track. I love that she uses zones, so you are only working small spaces at a time. I love it!

Next up our goal is to start our budget. We are about to start the Dave Ramsey program, and I am super excited about it. I am ready for us to take control of our money and become debt free! I think that being on a budget, and a cash envelope system will help us keep our money and spending in check.

Last but not least, I'm going to hopefully start meal planning monthly rather than every two weeks. I'm hoping to even post a few of them here. I think it will be easier to not eat out those few times that we do a month. Every time we eat out it's about $40. We normally do about three times a month so you're easily looking at over a $100 a month for just three meals. I know I can do better than that!

So, if I missed some then I can add an update. Right now our goal is a house. We are wanting to put some roots down and buy the house we've always wanted, or something pretty close. I'm looking forward to this adventure!

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